Free As for me and my house Joshua 24:15 Printable Craft

Free As for me and my house Joshua 24:15 Printable Craft

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 Printable Craft. Joshua 24:15 is a common verse that we say and love. In this post, I share a simple way to reinforce the meaning of this verse to the children in your family. This free printable folding craft can be used at home and for Sunday school classes to strengthen the teaching of the verse, story, or life of Joshua.

Using Your Joshua 24:15 Printable Craft

I have included this free Joshua 24:15 printable in color which is the easiest option depending on the time you have to spend doing this activity. Also, you can choose to have children color and decorate it any way they choose. Alternatively, it can also be printed on colored cardstock or paper. All options work well and promise to be easy to complete. I have included a short video to show just how quickly it can be done. I have also shown the steps since I understand there are those who appreciate that as well.

Joshua Declared As for me and my house we will serve the Lord

This bible verse is the declaration of the bible hero Joshua, who became the leader of Israel after Moses died. Joshua wanted to remind all the children of Israel who had his back and family. It also points out who He was dedicated to.  Surely that was no one else but the God of all creation. And as a result of his undeniable dependence on God, he proclaimed to everyone “…But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15 

During that time the Israelites had served many idols forgetting God Almighty, who was their helper and sustainer in many times past. Therefore, Joshua encouraged the people not just in words “My House” but also in action. He trusted God in everything He did and everyone knew God was with him. With such a great example to follow the people trusted God and wanted to serve Him just as Joshua did.

Our Declaration As for me and my house we will serve the Lord

Undoubtedly, in our world today it’s easy to be lead away from the true and living God to others that are now being showcased in every form of media that we know. As Christian families and individuals, we must also declare in these times according to Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. As we encourage our children to grow in their relationship with God, we inspire them to live a life of service to God and become a witness to others around them. The greatest thing you can do for your children and family is direct them on the path of righteousness. It’s not something money can buy, but it lasts longer than anything money can afford since it leads to eternal life.  

 Check out why this is so important in this post

12 Things Your Children Should Know about the God You Serve.

As you read these 12 things they will help you and your children understand a bit more why Joshua made this declaration. You can be embolden do the same for your household, it’s not old fashion neither is it one of the options it’s the only true way. God says in the words of Jesus “I am the WAY the Truth and the Life…” John 14:6. As you choose God’s way for you and your family He will be pleased and you will have both earthly and eternal rewards.

Spot Check

As you do this activity with your family if you have found yourself not applying God’s word as you should ask Him to forgive you. Then make a new commitment to declare these words. You can also write it on a few sheets of paper and stick it around your home. I love these wall decals they are available for almost any verse. They are great for memorizing scripture, and also a great testimony to all that enter your home

As For Me And My House - Joshua 24:15 Printable Craft Steps

So here are the simple steps to putting your Joshua 24:15 printable craft together,


Step 1.

Decorate printable as desired. If you are using the colored printable you may skip this step but it’s ok to decorate that colored printable more if your children wanted to.

Step 2.

Cut out printable on lines all around. The dotted lines and folding lines. It should look like this when you cut it out. If you are planning to do this activity at church with more children. You may want to cut them out during your lesson prep time, then have children decorate them, especially since time is more limited.

Step 3.

Start folding each of the lines on the printable. Once there is a line fold it. 

Step 4.

Corner folds – to begin to assemble the printable you would need to make four corner folds. You can do this by holding the ends of the dotted line, and bring them together. As you do that pinch the bottom of the fold on the inside of the printable as in photo.

Step 5.

Add glue to the corners of your printable and hold it to secure it. This is not a necessary step, it works without glue in the corners however, if you want a neater finish you can add glue. 

Step 6.

The roof of your printable house. Add glue to the edges and glue one side of the roof then the other

Step 7

You are Done! You can add a magnet to the back and stick it to your refrigerator, you can add a string before you seal the roof to hang it or you can just have it sit on a shelf as a reminder of what your house hold declaration is and will be.

Wrapping Up

I trust that you would enjoy using this printable as you encourage your children to serve the Lord. Do connect on Pinterest and share this activity as you try it and post your photos. 

If you are reading this post and you have not asked the Lord to be you Saviour and friend and you would love to make that decision in order to know and love God. Feel free to email me for more information at Also for great resources for for developing your child’s relationship with Christ check out

Child Evangelism Fellowship.


 If you haven’t already check on this post!

Life Lessons For Girls from Queen Esther

Be sure to stay safe and blessed. And as always thank you for reading this post.

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Joshua 24:15 As For Me And My House Printable Craft

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