10 Engaging No Prep Beach Activities Kids Will Love

10 Engaging No Prep Beach Activities Kids Will Love

Hi Friend! Summer fun for you. Is the beach trip on your summer bucket list? Here are 10 super fun, and engaging activities you can do with your family on the beach.  There is zero preparation, zero beach toys, and zero extra bags. More than likely all that you need to use will already be on the beach or in your picnic basket. So you’re probably saying this is not possible. Well read on and you’ll see. And if you plan to visit the beach then surely you would want to try them. My children enjoyed every one of these activities and I am certain your children and family will too. Let’s jump right in!

beach fun

Beach Activities For You Family To Try This Summer

Activity # 1 - Do sand and stone art

This is a fun and easy activity that can be done on almost any beach you go to. Start by having a race to grab as many stones as possible that each person can find. Then once you gathered your stones start to create artwork on the sand. You can keep it simple like shape and letters for toddlers or if you have older children challenge them to be more creative. The possibilities are endless and the competition creates lots of added fun. It is also ok not to compete, especially if your children may be smaller. In that case, do it just for the fun of it. Speaking of competition let’s move to the second activity.

Beach Activity # 2 Races

Ready set go, have races of different kinds on the beach. Like, who can collect ten stones first, short sprints to the water’s edge and back to a specific area. Try who can fill up an empty bottle first or dig a hole. Or try who can build the biggest sand mount. Who can collect the most pieces of driftwood? You can come up with a whole list of other races. Once you get to that beach and settle down look around you and you will certainly see all the possibilities. Let me know in the comments below some other races you tried.

3. Look for shell, stones, pieces of coral and sea glass

This is one of my favorites. It’s always fascinating to see the look on the children’s faces when they find a very unique shell of pieces of coral. Another great thing about these beach activities is that you can keep your collection to do more fun things at home or just as a reminder of the fun you had on the day. So go ahead and look around to see the different shells, stones, and sea glass you find. By the way, if you are not sure what sea glass is. I am referring to small pieces of glass that have literally been smoothed out by the waves. They are absolutely harmless to children. They are even much harder to break than regular pieces of glass but know for sure that all the edges are perfectly smooth and flat. If that’s not what you find then be careful.

Activity # 4. Take photos

Almost everywhere you go you carry your phone or some digital device that can take photos. So no matter what time you go to the beach it’s always a great time to take photos. You can capture pictures of your children, your family, birds, boats, parasailers, trees, waves, crabs, the clouds. Closer to the evening you can also capture the sunset.  The list goes on and on. This is just another great no-prep beach activity and I mean who does not like taking photos of scenic views around them. So go ahead and try taking some!

No Prep Beach Activity # 5. Draw what you see

Another great no-prep beach activity is to draw what you see. Once more, you can have a little drawing competition for older children but for the younger ones, keep it simple. You can use your fingers, stones, driftwood, a stick or any other appropriate beach find to draw what you see around you on the sand. I often ask my children what they see before we start and what they like the most. Then we draw it together. It is lots of fun and you don’t need anything extra to do it.

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Fun With With Orbeez Water Beads 

Activity # 6. Message in a bottle

What do you have in your beach basket? I am sure there is gonna be an empty bottle from that water you will need to drink after running all those races. So turn it down while you do another activity and once it is mostly dried, use a napkin or recycle a piece of paper from a grocery bill you may have. The goal is to write an encouraging message on it. Like “Stay safe during this season” or “Smile God loves you” something to make whoever finds it feel special. Place it where someone will be able to see it, but be sure it won’t go off into the water. I usually don’t leave mine since I don’t want to litter, if no one notices it I take it away when I am leaving.

Activity # 7. Counts boats, birds, parasailers surfers

One, two three, four five whoever reaches five first wins. You can count the birds and I will count the boats. Depending on where you planning to go to the beach this can be easy or tricky. Some beaches have everything while others are more secluded. So depending on where you choose to go, count what you notice around you. Again it can just be counting for fun and not for competition. Trust me children usually love it anyway.


Step by step guide

Beach Activity # 8. Build a sand tower

Don’t throw that empty cup just yet. Be sure to try this activity on your next beach visit, you won’t regret it.  You will need to reuse the cups from your picnic basket. Yes! You can build sand towers. Fill the cup with sand and try to stack the sand as you would stack cups for a cup tower. This no-prep beach very cool activity and it is a ton of fun. It amazing how competitive it can become as persons try to make the tallest sand tower, without the sand tumbling down. You are sure to love this one!

Beach Activity # 9. Fill bottles with sand

Yes, we need some of those empty bottles again. This time we will fill them up with sand. Or if you think you can find stones that will easily fit through the top go right ahead. This is just another no-prep beach activity you can do. It won’t cost you anything and you can use these bottles for our next activity or you can take them home for future sensory play and other activities.

10. Water Aerobics and sand bottle workout

So you will eventually get into the water, after all, we are at the beach. So let’s lift those arms up and down in the water. Kick those legs and do some fun exercises while there. You will have fun and you won’t feel a thing. Have you tried jumping on one leg in the water? You can do lots of fun exercises in the water, as part of your fun day at the beach. If you don’t plan to get wet and just want to chill out on the sand try at least lifting those sand bottles five times. It can be very entertaining for everyone. Yes, you might have a few extra onlookers depending on where you are but don’t let that stop the fun.

That’s it. I really hope you have as much fun as I did with these activities. Try them don’t just take my word for it. And the best thing is that you don’t need to prepare anything to give it a try. Once you are on the beach remember what you read in this post. As always thank you for reading this post. I appreciate your presence it means a lot to me.

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