Deborah – 3 Powerful Life Lessons For Girls

Deborah – 3 Powerful Life Lessons For Girls

Deborah the Judge– This amazing woman of Faith was a prophetess and judge over Israel. As they had done before, Israel worshipped the idols of Canaan. Their disobedience cost a heavy price and some serious trouble from surrounding enemies. It was God’s continued love for His people that brought the rise of judges like Deborah. This bible hero was a woman of faith and a wife. However, she did not play the traditional roles of women in her day and culture. She was different. Let’s read more about Judge Deborah and how her life as a Woman of Faith could have a positive impact on our daughter’s life.

Photo by Chreylholt


Deborah spent endless hours listening and giving counsel to the people of Israel. God raised her up in response to Israel’s cry for deliverance. It was not the norm for this role model to lead in such a capacity during those times, after all, she was a woman. Women were subject to their husbands, homemakers, and served their families. However, God had given Deborah great wisdom and favor and many came to her for counsel.  Problem-solving became her daily task. As the people of Israel saw changes in their lives as a result of Deborahs’ counsel, they kept coming to her tree known as the “Palm of Deborah” Judges 4:5

So what does Deborah the Judge and Prophetess offer that we can utilize to help our girls grow in their walk with God.

Life Lesson From Deborah #1 Leadership

Deborah Became A Leader

Deborah obviously spent time learning to hear God’s voice. With this ability, she was able to be the recipient of precise instructions from God, for the people she counseled. This made her a great leader in the eyes of the Israelites. Her wisdom and confidence in what God spoke to her built a level of trust among the people that lead to her graciously becoming a leader in their eyes. To the people around her, she was trustworthy, brave, ambitious, intelligent, and probably more.

Through Deborah God declared a win for the Israelites from the oppression of opposition army commander Sisera. I suspect Barak wasn’t totally convinced and wanted Deborah’s company as a leader, maybe to intercede during the battle. This was another great opportunity to show her leadership and speak what God had now said. “Barak, you are not going to get credit for this, a woman will.” Judges 4:9 Deborah’s word came to pass and there was singing!

Deborah the Leader
Photo By Ann H

Life lessons from Deborah’s Leadership For Your Daughter

 As you teach your daughter God’s word here are some things you can do.

1.  Show your daughter how God used different persons young and old to be leaders for Him.

2.  As a parent set the right example of leadership for them to follow.                     

3. Give your daughters simple tasks that will develop leadership. It is important to have them give account for these tasks as they accomplish them.

4. Explain to them the importance of doing tasks well.

5. Teach older siblings about setting the right example for younger siblings to follow.

Encourage your daughters to do what is right at all times, even when others are doing the wrong thing. Let them know that it is ok not to be like everyone else. Stress the importance of being different for God and standing up for what is right, giving them the opportunity to lead. Leadership is not always a popular position and this is also an important point to highlight. Remind your daughters that their goals should be to please God and not people.

Bible Hero Series

Here are some other Exceptional Bible Heroes For Your Children To Learn From.

Queen Esther

David Man After God’s Own Heart

Life Lesson #2 Confidence In God

Deborah was confident in her relationship with God.

She learned of God’s power and believed in His ability to make a difference. Her confidence helped as she served the people of Israel. Deborah was also confident that God wanted to use her, and that gave her the ability and favor to operate outside of the common practices for women of those days. She willingly follows God’s instructions and confidently leads the people to victory. As a result, there was peace in the land for forty years. Judges 5:31

Deborah Jugde
Photo By Brett Jordan

Life lessons from Deborah’s Confidence For Your Daughter

What example does Deborah’s confidence provide for our girls? As we teach our girls about God and develop their relationship with God.

 1. Take time to explain to them from God’s word His great plans for them according to Jeremiah 29:11. Encourage them to be confident in God’s word, His promises, and what He says He can and will do.

2. Look for opportunities to thank God whenever there are answers to prayer to build their faith and confidence.

3. As a mom, Proclaim aloud! your confidence in God who created everything.

4. Encourage them to be bold and let them know they don’t have to do what everyone is doing because God has a special plan and purpose for their lives.

It’s important to let our daughters know that not everyone places their confidence in God, but God will use them to help others and bring them to Him when we walk in Him with confidence.  Lookout with expectation for times when God will use them to do great things.

Want to Help Your Child Grow In Their Walk With God?

Here Are Some Things You Can Practice That Are Sure To Help. Check Them Out!

Life Lesson #3 Giving Credit and Thanksgiving To God

Deborah Always Gives Glory to God.

God had somehow revealed to Deborah that a time of victory for Israel was on the way. As we saw earlier this victory was certainly attained. God had kept His word as revealed to Deborah.  His presence and wisdom help the children of Israel experience peace again. Every word and counsel Deborah gave was good, respected and came to pass. Deborah recognized that it was not her own ability, all the credit that could have been taken for any victory or breakthrough belonged to God Almighty alone. The prophetess did exactly that. Deborah gave praise, honor and glory to God. This woman of faith lead the people in celebrating Gods’ love, goodness, and mercy. Her celebration is found in Judges 5.

Life lessons from Deborah’s Thankfulness To God For Your Daughter

Here are some lessons we can learn from Deborah’s credit and her thankfulness to God.

1. Help your daughter to understand that all good things come from God and He gives us the ability to live a victorious life.

2. Make sure that your daughter learn that it is not their own ability, skills, or talents that make them great. God is the one who has gifted them and blessed them will the ability to achieve. Encourage them to give Him credit for their accomplishments.

3. Share ways that your daughters can give thanks to God. Emphasize the need to thank God in every situation.

4. Encourage your daughter to rejoice in knowing that God gives the victory.

Again remember, it is important that our daughters know that they should give thanks to God in all situations. Even when they are not feeling victorious. As a mom begin thanking God for His hand in their lives that will help them to accomplish great things.

Deborah's Palm
Photo By Muhammad Khalid

Deborah Judge, Prophetess, and  Woman of Faith, prayer, victory, confidence, and respect. As our girls apply these life lessons, expect to see God work in their lives. I am certain that Deborah had no idea all the things God would use her to do. She may have seen others around her set great examples that would have been admirable to her. We don’t know much about her life. Neither do we know what God has in store for the lives of our daughter but as you look at His word and ways you can use it to teach your children He will surely use them to achieve great things just like He did in Deborah’s life. I pray that you and your daughters will be blessed as you apply God’s word to their lives.


As always thank you for reading this post. Be sure to stay safe and blessed. 

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