2 Simple Household Items That Remove Ink From Plastic Containers – The New Method

2 Simple Household Items That Remove Ink From Plastic Containers – The New Method

Hi Friend, I am a big fan of making use of basic household items. In this post, I want to share with you a simple combination of two household items that can remove ink from plastic. I have been looking for a quick and easy way to remove ink from plastic without using acetone. As a result, I discovered a simple technique that uses household items that you may have right in your cupboard or in your home. 

I have used these items to remove ink from several plastics and more than anything from yogurt cups.  I use yogurt cups for all types of things. They are very versatile and fun to use with growing toddlers. 

Believe You Me These Household Items Remove Ink From Plastics

Here’s what you will need.

Baking Soda

Rubbing Alcohol

Cotton balls

Disposable Plastic Plate

Gloves (Optional)

Mask (Optional)

While items like acetone remove ink from some plastics. I felt safer using these items which can also be used to remove ink from plastic. I appreciate those that have shared other methods, but here’s one you probably haven’t tried yet.

This combination of household items also works without much effort. No worries if you don’t already ready have these at home they are also very affordable. I should mention though, that I have noticed that some colors are removed more easily than others. Colors like blue, green, and black come out in a jiffy, whilst yellows, reds, and purples take a bit more time to removed.

Remove Ink From Plastics with these Household Items

Baking Soda – Probably you may or may not know that baking soda is an extremely versatile household item to have in your cupboard. It boasts an enormous number of uses. Here is another one to add to your list; – removing ink from plastics when coupled with rubbing alcohol.

Depending on how many cups or plastic containers you are removing ink from you would need a few teaspoons. Yep! The great thing is that it does not dissolve too quickly when mixed with rubbing alcohol, so you can apply the same paste over and over and over, again.

Cotton balls or if you prefer soft cloth – Cotton balls seem to work better than cloth. However, the disadvantage is that you may end up using quite a bit since they are quickly saturated with the paste, which causes them to deteriorate. 

Gloves – Use these to protect your hands since you may be unsure of how the combination of these ingredients may affect your skin. For me, I learned the hard way, forgetting that rubbing alcohol can really burn even the tiniest cut or invisible bruise. I happened to have one of them the very first time I used this ink removal technique. So just in case gloves are great to have on.  Feel free, however, to go without if you are sure it won’t affect your skin. 

A mask – if you are doing this indoors or in an area where there is not sufficient ventilation, I will recommend a mask. Rubbing alcohol has an intoxicating smell. Also, I won’t recommend doing this with children because of the same reason.

Rubbing alcohol – I used 70% since that’s what I had at the time of my experimenting trying to remove the ink. I honestly have not tried any other percentage, but I would encourage you to try what you have before going to purchase any. As I mentioned earlier, I’m a big fan of making use of basic household items that you already have. I also have found that letting the plastic sit in the rubbing alcohol for some time makes removing the more difficult inks easier.

Simple Steps To Ink Removal

I have used this technique to remove ink from, yogurt cups, butter containers, ice cream containers, and other plastics that are nice to reuse or upcycle.

  1. Equip yourself with a mask and gloves (it’s ok not to, but it won’t hurt too)
  2. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the disposable plate
  3. Saturate with rubbing alcohol
  4. Use cotton to apply the mixture to the plastic and rub the ink off using a circular motion.
  5. Add baking soda and rubbing alcohol as required.

Useful Posts For YOu!

 Try To Remove Ink From Plastic And See!

To demonstrate how simple this technique is, look at this video below. I used yogurt cups since that is why I tried this technique in the first place. Do try it out and let me know if you agree that it’s simple and easy. 


See how you can make use of your yogurt cups and even share how you have used them before.

Be sure to stay safe and blessed. And as always thank you for reading this post.

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  1. Cindy July 1, 2020
  2. Cindy July 2, 2020
  3. Kensha March 21, 2024

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