Joseph – 3 Powerful Life Lessons For Boys

Joseph – 3 Powerful Life Lessons For Boys

Hi Friend! Let’s continue our Bible Hero Role Model Quest with Joseph. As we have been doing in this Bible Hero Series we are looking at positive traits in these great leaders that we can use as parents to enhance and encourage our children. These traits can be used to assist our male children in their walk with God. As with all the other posts in this series,  the focus is not on the negative aspects of these Bible Characters’ lives, no one is perfect.  The goal is to use the positive characteristics to assist in propelling our male heritage in their relationship with the Heavenly Father.

Joseph The Dreamer - Life Lessons For Boys

This bible character was the 11th son of Jacob and the first son of Rachel. Joseph loved his father and his father loved him. The Bible said that “Jacob loved Joseph more than all his brothers” Genesis 37:3

A whole lot of love, so much that there was a recognizable difference. Along with that love, Joseph was His dad’s informer. When big brothers found themselves in trouble. Joseph did not keep their secret from his father. I remember as a teenager, I covered up a few times for my siblings, but that was not the case with Joseph. The honor of parents was highly regarded.

Photo by Nina De Garis Davies

If that wasn’t enough,  he received special dreams about himself. Joseph told his brothers about his dream which he was fascinated about, but His brothers were not impressed.  As a matter of fact, it caused great jealousy among his brothers.

Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him? Well: – 

  1. Daddy loved him more than all of us
  2. Daddy gives Joseph all the nice stuff
  3. Joseph was a tattle tail
  4. And now the “brat” dreams of us bowing down to him.

That’s enough of that little boy! I can imagine the jealousy. Eventually, his brothers had the opportunity to do something about it. They captured him and sold him to merchants who took him to Egypt and deceived their father Jacob. They really thought it was over and never knew that God was setting Joseph up for greatness. The Bible said that God was with Joseph and gave him favor in everything he did. Genesis 39:2 So what life lessons can our young males learn from this bible hero Joseph?

Life Lesson # 1 - Joseph had Confidence

The love of his father must have helped Joseph to realize he was special. Moreover, Joseph’s special dreams spoke to him and he knew he was different. Joseph loved and trusted his brothers and father so he told them his dream. What if he had kept quiet? There was no need to, because he was confident of what was revealed to him, not one time but twice. His confidence made him excited to share. And if he could I am sure he would have shared it with everyone he met. How can this help our young boys?

LIFE LESSONS FROM Joseph’s Confidence FOR YOUR son

  1. Tell your boys they are very special and very blessed. Verbalize this to them as you pray for them and with them. Have them say it repeating after you. Encourage them to believe what they have declared. They may not always behave the way we want and not to mention if they have siblings there will be disagreement. However, letting them know plays a valuable role in their self-worth. 
  2. Show your boys love. Parents sometimes neglect this need to show love and affection for boys since we want them to be tough.  Jacob showed his love. He also pondered on Joseph’s dreams even though he may have thought them absurd. What dreams have your heritage spoken to you concerning? How do you counsel and guide your young males based on these desires? Use Joseph’s example to propel your child closer to their God-given dreams. Build their confidence with positive affirmations. 
  3. Let your boys know that confidence does not come because of what a person owns or receives. Confidence is based more on how you see yourself and how God sees you. What God has said about you in His word. 
Photo By Studioroman


Read this post and help build your child’s confidence as they grow.

Life Lesson # 2 - Joseph Had A Vision for life 

The bible mentions that Joseph had dreams of himself Genesis 37. He saw himself as a leader. It made him excited to imagine what his future would be like. Feelings of others did not deter him from seeing himself in the role he envisioned. While his brothers did not understand or expect it to happen Joseph kept the vision. Though Jacob rebuked Joseph, he pondered on those dreams in his heart. Joseph kept the vision.

I have noticed my son loves everything related to science he talks about it and loves to watch science experiments and science documentaries at 5 years old. Sometimes I am a bit concerned that he chases the storm, with the storm chasers as he looks out the window. But the truth is I don’t know what God is developing inside of Him. While I have a desire to see him grow and succeed, God has already mapped out His entire life.  So what do we do? How can our children learn from Joseph as a visionary?

LIFE LESSONS FROM Joseph’s the Visionary

  1. As parents, we can trust God to lead our children to their destiny. Do ask the Lord to give your male heritage a vision for his life. As Jacob did, when they share that God-given vision ponders and pray that God will lead them His way.
  2. Along with your son create a vision book or box. This is a great way of recording the various dreams and ideas your son has of himself. It can also be great when He gets older to look back on his journey. Joseph did this mentally. You can use a box you purchase or you can make one of your own. I have vision boxes for both my children. 

3. Encourage your child to speak about what he wants to be and how he can reach that goal. Find ways of increasing his awareness of what will be involved in getting there through activities, video lessons you select, etc. Jacob didn’t speak about Joseph’s dreams I am guessing he didn’t want to create any more problems. But he kept them in his heart. Imagine the joy of that reunion in Egypt. Jacob must have said to himself “ah my son, now I see what your saw all those years ago”

Life Lesson # 3 - Joseph was Loyal To God In All Situations 

What a journey to those dreams that Joseph had, a roller coaster of good and bad. Through it all, he remained steadfast and loyal to God. Jacob had obviously done an excellent job in laying the foundation of Joseph’s life. One of trust and relationship with God. As a result of this good foundation, Joseph was able to choose righteousness over sin and trust God in difficult situations. In Potiphar’s house, Joseph was loyal enough to say no to sin. In prison, Joseph was loyal enough to serve the other prisoners.

And because of His loyalty, God granted Joseph favor that took him out of the dungeons and into a dynasty. A ruler second to Pharaoh. 

Life Lessons for our boys from Joseph’s Loyalty to God 

So what lessons can we teach our boys from this amazing trait? Firstly, strive to lay a good foundation for your male children. This foundation does not make them perfect, but it cements the building blocks to their future relationship with God. As parents teaching, mentoring, and praying for our young males is critical.

  1. Direct them in the things of God and encouraging them to love God wholeheartedly. This is a serious matter. This will help them make the right choices and keep them from error as they grow older. Joseph was away from his father and family in a strange land.  However, because of his upbringing, he was able to remain loyal to God. And for this God blessed Joseph. 

2. Help your boys understand what loyalty involves. We live in a world where people are easily offended and friendships are easily set aside because of simple matters. Encourage them to work things out in a way that pleases God. Encourage your sons to forgive, even when others don’t want to. It is a duty to God and our relationship with Him. Joseph had to forgive his brother as part of his loyalty to God. 

3. Encourage your sons to pray for wisdom. I believe God gave Joseph some special wisdom that aided in his loyalty.  God himself in His word instructs us to pray for wisdom. Pray for your son to have Godly wisdom especially in today’s world. In this way even when he is away from you he will recall what he has been taught and God’s wisdom will guide his choices.

Excellent you have come to the end of another Bible Hero snippet. Parents don’t take for granted these principles. God gives His word to us as a guide. Let’s use these vital life lessons from Joseph and others in the bible to help our sons and daughter live a Godly life. We too can also learn from their example as we build our child’s faith.



If you are reading this post and you have not asked the Lord to be your Saviour and friend and you would love to make that decision in order to know and love God. Feel free to email me for more information at The best way to lead our heritage in the way that God wants them to grow is by first following Jesus ourselves. 

Do continue to stay safe and blessed. And as always thank you for reading this post.

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